Good fireplace design has a lot of working parts.
There are technical specifications for proper safety clearances, framing requirements and venting specifications. We consider the layout of your room and what your heating goals are. And where a bit more comprehensive remodel or new construction project is being considered you will want to know about hearth and facing options, mantel designs and more. With decades of experience designing and installing fabulous fires, we're ready for your toughest design challenges!
Email us details on your project, giving us as much information as you can about the room's layout, how the room flows into adjacent spaces and what goals you have in mind. If you're considering a gas insert then email a photo of the fireplace; it's helpful if you remove items from the hearth and move aside the fireplace screen, etc. We'd also appreciate a photo of your room, and the dimensions of your fireplace (opening height and width plus depth at the bottom). A photo of the outside of your home showing the chimney is also helpful. Karen will photoshop into your fireplace photo a picture of model(s) that will fit.
If you have a spot in mind to install a new gas fireplace then send us a photo of that area plus a photo of the room so we can get an idea of your personal style and decor. Provide relevant measurements if you're trying to fit a fireplace between two windows, for example. Let us know if you'd like help designing the full project including a new mantel, facing/hearth materials, etc. or if you have those items (an antique mantel, for example) or already know what materials you have in mind.
Here's a shortcut provided by Valor to build your insert with the options you like!