Small Gas Inserts

Can You Burn Wood in a Coal Fireplace?
Victorian Period Fireplaces
The Victorian period covers the period between about 1820 and 1914, corresponding roughly to the period of Queen Victoria’s reign (1837-1901). During the Victorian period, fireplaces were the primary heat source during the colder winter months. Fireplaces and stoves were generally found in every room of a Victorian home. Even once central heating became available, many could not afford it. Those who could afford it preferred the ambiance of a warm fire to gather around when temperatures got cold.
Guide to Building the Perfect Space for Relaxation and Work at Home
What Makes VALOR a Superior Gas Fireplace Design
Options for Fireplace Renovations
Annual Gas Hearth Appliance Tune-Up

Like other appliances, a simple cleaning and tune-up will keep your fireplace burning brightly and operating at peak efficiency. Gas logs, gas fireplaces and gas inserts share many common components which should be checked annually and cleaned as needed.
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Disposing of Fireplace Ashes

Countless times each winter we hear about homes catching fire due to improper disposal ashes into cardboard boxes or paper grocery bags. Coals stay hot for days when insulated by ash, and all it takes is a breeze, uncovered ashes and a hot coal or two that destroys a deck, and even the home it's attached to.
CHIMNEY SWEEPS: History & Customs

Tell Me All About Gas Logs
Troubleshooting Maxitrol GV60 System
Is a Gas Fireplace Worth It?
Basement Heating Options to Keep You Warm This Winter
Zone Heating as Seasons Change
Bathroom Fireplaces
Chimney Escape from Libby Prison

Another Fireplace Makeover